Southeast Asia Oration

About this event

The University of Melbourne will launch its Asia and Pacific Outlook Series, through the inaugural Southeast Asia Oration.


The Southeast Asia Oration will be delivered by Mr Pita Limjaroenrat MP, Member of the Thai House of Representatives and Former Leader of the Move Forward Party.


The Asia and the Pacific Outlook Series provides a foundation to foster debate and create awareness about Australia’s place and relationship with the region, draw upon the University of Melbourne’s expertise and research impact, and, deepen collaboration with partners across Asia and the Pacific.


Mr Pita Limjaroenrat MP is a Thai politician and businessman. He is currently a member of the Thai House of Representatives. 


Pita has been involved in politics since 2004 and led the Move Forward Party, the most ambitiously progressive in Thailand's electoral history, to win a plurality of seats and become the largest party in the 2023 general election. He has also worked in the business sector, holding executive positions in the Boston Consulting Group and as the CEO of Agrifood. 


He received his education in New Zealand, Thailand and the United States, graduating with an MBA from MIT Sloan School of Management and a Masters of MPP Harvard Kennedy School of Government. 


The Oration, co-hosted by Asialink and the Asia Institute, will be followed by a panel discussion on the health of diplomacy in the region, moderated by Professor Michael Wesley.


Panelists include:

Dr Anna Dziedzic, Programme Officer for Constitution Building Processes at the Asia Pacific Office of the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA)

Professor Vedi Hadiz, Director of the Asia Institute, University of Melbourne 

Ms Syme de Leon, PhD Candidate at the University of Melbourne Asia Institute

Dr Huong Le Thu, Deputy Director Asia Program, International Crisis Group


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