Taiwan-Australia Dialogue

About this event

On the 20th of May 2024, Taiwan inaugurated president-elect Lai Ching-te. Lai Ching-te, the former Vice President and a member of the Democratic Progressive Party, is an outspoken proponent of Taiwan sovereignty. His election has continued to destabilise cross-strait relations. Broader geopolitical forces, including the possibility of a Trump reelection, are creating further regional uncertainty. 


With this context in mind, speakers will examine the scope of the Taiwan-Australia relationship, given Australia’s mutual interest in supporting Taiwan and maintaining improved relations with China. Delegates will discuss productive avenues for developing cooperation, as well as risks and tensions that shape the nature of collaboration. 


The online dialogue will be co-moderated by the former Head of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Tel-Aviv Mr Paul Chang and Former Senior Representative at the Australian representative office in Taiwan and Senior Advisor at Asialink Mr Colin Heseltine

The Australian delegates will be Director of LaTrobe Asia Prof. Bec Strating, Emeritus Professor of Strategic Studies at the Australian National University Prof. Hugh White and Lecturer at the Asia Insitiute at the University of Melbourne Dr Sow Keat Tok


The Taiwanese delegates will be Director of the Taiwan Centre for Security Studies Dr. Fu-Kuo Liu, Deputy Director of the Taiwan Centre for Security Studies Dr. Mignonne Chan and Adjunct Professor at the National Taiwan University Dr Yi Yuan



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